Thursday, February 10, 2011

5 Symptoms that say you are a CLOTHING HOARDER!!

If you are wondering if you are a Fashion/Clothing Hoarder check out these simple list of symptoms!! Do you have any???

  • Complusively buying or saving excessive quantities of clothing.
  • Having Excessive attachment to the belongings/clothing.
  • Saving items seen by most people as unneeded or worthless.
  • Experiencing intense anixety or distress when attempting to discard-or even when you think about dicarding certain clothing items.
  • Treating all saved items as equally valuable, whether or not the object has sentimental financial or functional value.

315) Another fashion junkie


  1. I completely and 100% am the opposite of this! Nothing brings me more joy than getting into my closet and cleaning the absolute living daylights out of it! I LOVE getting all the donations together because it makes me feel like I am not only doing something good for someone else by donating clothing, but also doing good for me by having a clean closet. That being said, i'm a firm believer in the one in, one out theory of clothing, so whenever I go on a big spree of donating, I always treat myself with a little something something new!

  2. I think I may be a hoarder! I am super attached to my clothes and it is so hard to clean out my closet...I always convince myself that I need it and I will wear it again...its a problem and I think I need help!

  3. Ah i love doing closet clean-outs! or closet exchanges with my friends. It gives me a reason to buy new things :D however i do hold on the classic items.
